People can visit for reliable information on sexual and reproductive health in 17 languages. The site also provides information on laws and regulations and how health care works in the Netherlands. At you will find an overview of agencies that offer help and care per topic.
In addition, offers professionals access to culturally inclusive information that matches the background and needs of their clients. Read more about this at
The information on this site has been adapted to the Dutch context by Rutgers and supplemented by experts from Fiom, the Royal Dutch Organization of Midwives, the Dutch Society of Abortion Specialists, Soa Aids Nederland and Pharos. was developed in 2018 from a collaboration of Sensoa (the Flemish Expertise Center for Sexual Health), the German Federal Agency for Health Promotion of the German Ministry of Health and Rutgers.
The development of the site was made possible by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Pharos, GGD GHOR and Soa Aids Nederland.
About Rutgers
Rutgers is the Netherlands Centre on Sexuality. We work on sexual and reproductive health both in the Netherlands and abroad.
More info on Rutgers