More information about access to health care
You can find contact details of health professionals below. You can filter the contacts by theme.
You can have an abortion if you have an unwanted pregnancy and want to terminate the pregnancy.
If you are addicted to alcohol, drugs or sex, you can get treated for addiction. Here you can find information, support and addresses concerning addiction treatment.
Anti-discrimination bureaus
If you feel discriminated against, you can report it to an anti-discrimination office.
Care and support during pregnancy
As soon as you know you are pregnant, you make an appointment with a midwife in your area. A midwife supports and advises you during your pregnancy, delivery and the period immediately after delivery. The midwife can also give advice on contraceptives.
Circumcision centre
The Dutch circumcision centre carries out circumcisions of boys and men.
Information, support and social activities for LGBT people in asylum seekers’ centres.
Consultation hours female genital mutilation
Consultation hours for women who have undergone female genital mutilation.
Dealing with abortion - Siriz
Information and support for dealing with the psychological consequences of abortion. The work of Siriz is based on the belief that from the start unborn life has the right to develop further and be born.
Call 112 if you need help immediately.
Support and advice for unintended or unwanted pregnancy: for online information, visit the website or call Fiom.
088 126 49 00
General practitioner
You can talk to a general practitioner about every intimate topic. If necessary, a general practitioner can refer you to a specialised health professional. Refugees who have been granted (temporary) asylum choose a general practitioner in their municipality. Asylum seekers in an asylum seekers’ centre can consult a general practitioner at the centre.
Giving up a child for adoption - Fiom
Do you want to give up your child for adoption? Call Fiom for support and advice.