Someone can get an STI through sex and through other ways of transmission.

Transmission through sex

  • Through vaginal sex, anal sex or oral sex with someone who has an STI, without using a condom.
  • By sharing sex toys without using a condom or without cleaning it properly with water and soap first. For instance: dildo, vibrator. Always use a new condom when a different person uses the sex toy or clean it very well with water and soap.
  • Through contact with blisters (herpes), sores (syphilis) or genital warts on someone’s skin.
Ways of STI transmission: vaginal sex without using a condom
Ways of STI transmission: vaginal sex without using a condom
Ways of STI transmission: anal sex without using a condom
Ways of STI transmission: anal sex without using a condom
Ways of STI transmission: oral sex without using a condom
Ways of STI transmission: oral sex without using a condom
Ways of STI transmission: sharing sex toys without using a condom or without cleaning them very well with water and soap first.
Ways of STI transmission: sharing sex toys without using a condom or without cleaning them very well with water and soap first.

Transmission in other ways


Ways of STI transmission: mother breast-feeding her baby
Ways of STI transmission: mother breast-feeding her baby
Ways of STI transmission: sharing injection material
Ways of STI transmission: sharing injection material

Talking to your partner and the doctor

If you have an STI you can infect other people. Talk to your partner about it and encourage them to go to a doctor.

Make sure you both go to your general practitioner or municipal public health service (GGD). By informing your current partner you also protect yourself. If your STI has been cured and you have sex again with your partner who has not been treated, they can infect you again.

Do not have sex during STI treatment.

Do not only inform your current sex partners, but also ex-partners and other sexual contacts. They can also be infected and pass the STI on to their partner(s) without noticing. By informing your sex partners, you help to prevent STIs spreading further. If you do not want to tell your partner or ex-partners you have an STI yourself you can also warn them anonymously, without mentioning your name (via 


Couple talking.

U kunt een soa krijgen via seks of via andere manieren van besmetting.

Besmetting via seks

Wijzen van soa-besmetting: vaginale seks zonder condoom te gebruiken
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: vaginale seks zonder condoom te gebruiken
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: anale seks zonder condoom te gebruiken
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: anale seks zonder condoom te gebruiken
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: orale seks zonder condoom te gebruiken
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: orale seks zonder condoom te gebruiken
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: seksspeeltjes delen zonder een condoom te gebruiken of door het seksspeeltje niet eerst goed te wassen met water en zeep.
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: seksspeeltjes delen zonder een condoom te gebruiken of door het seksspeeltje niet eerst goed te wassen met water en zeep.

Besmetting op een andere manier


Wijzen van soa-besmetting: moeder geeft haar baby borstvoeding.
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: moeder geeft haar baby borstvoeding.
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: materiaal voor injecties delen.
Wijzen van soa-besmetting: materiaal voor injecties delen.

Praten met uw partner en de dokter

Als u een soa heeft kunt u anderen daarmee besmetten. Praat erover met uw partner en ga beiden naar de huisarts of GGD. 

Door uw huidige partner te informeren beschermt u ook uzelf. Want als u genezen bent van uw soa en u heeft weer seks met uw partner die nog niet behandeld is, dan kan uw partner u weer opnieuw infecteren.

Vrij niet tijdens de soa behandeling.

Informeer niet alleen uw huidige sekspartners, maar ook uw ex-partners en andere sekscontacten. Zij kunnen ook besmet zijn en de soa ongemerkt doorgeven aan hun partner(s). Door uw sekspartners te informeren, helpt u verdere verspreiding van soa’s te voorkomen.

Als u niet zelf aan uw partner of ex-partners wilt vertellen dat u een soa heeft kunt u ook anoniem waarschuwen, zonder uw naam te noemen (via

Koppel praat.

More information or help needed?

Family doctor
You can talk to a family doctor (sometimes known as general practitioner or GP) about every intimate topic. If necessary, a family doctor can refer you to a specialised health professional. People who have been granted (temporary) asylum or a (temporary) residence permit choose a general practitioner in their municipality. People living in an asylum seekers’ centre can consult a general practitioner at the centre.
Soa Aids Nederland
If you think you have an STI, it is important that you get tested. List of addresses for STI tests and vaccinations.
If you are younger than 25, you can contact Sense with questions about contraception, sexuality and STIs. You can do this via email, telephone, online chat or by making an appointment for the Sense consultation hours.
Jouw GGD - Your municipal public health service
If you are under 25 and have questions about health, sexuality, body, feelings, alcohol or drugs, you can ask your question by email or chat or make an appointment in your area.
More health professionals

Dictionary and translations