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The hymen is a small supple rim of tissue inside the vagina, near the entrance. The hymen is not fully closed because menstruation blood must be able to leave the body through the vagina. That is why it always has a small or larger opening. Even in girls who have never had sexual contact. Very rarely, the rim is so thick that it closes the vagina completely. This is a congenital medical problem. It can be solved by a small surgical procedure.

Woman lying down with her legs spread. The focus is on the visible sexual organs.

Detail of the hymen inside the vagina

Types of hymens

Every hymen is different in shape and size:

  • The skin can be thin or thick.
  • The hymen can be smooth, bumpy or wrinkled.
  • It can be narrow or quite wide.

Different hymens: hymen with a narrow opening

Different hymens: hymen with a medium-sized opening

Different hymens: hymen with a large opening

Having sex for the first time

When a woman has sexual intercourse for the first time, the hymen may stretch or tear, but this does not always happen. The hymen can already be stretched or torn, even if the woman is still a virgin. The hymen cannot prove whether a woman is a virgin or not.

When the hymen stretches or tears this can hurt a little bit. However, most women do not notice it. Some women lose a few drops of blood when the hymen tears. Most women do not lose any blood.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.