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Living with a baby

Life changes

Having a baby can be fun and exciting.  

It is normal that after having a baby your life changes

You may:

  • feel a great responsibility for the baby, who is dependent on you for food, care and love;
  • feel insecure and scared about the baby’s emotions and needs. 
  • become short of sleep because you have to get up at night;
  • have difficulties breast-feeding (women);
  • worry about the future;
  • have to give up previous habits and hobbies;
  • have to plan your activities carefully.

Social life

Your social contacts may change. For example, you may:

  • want to spend a lot of the time with your baby;
  • get to know new people who also have children;
  • move and get new neighbours;
  • have to plan more in advance: some contacts may become less intense.

Both the mother and father of the baby experience changes.

Changes are normal. It takes some time to get used to the new situation.


Becoming a parent is a learning process. Talk to your family, friends, other parents and your doctor or midwife. They can help you and give advice. Also talk with your partner about dividing roles and tasks and about what you both want and need. 



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.