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What is sexual pleasure?

Sexual pleasure usually begins when you feel sexual desire. Very often it also involves emotions, for example: sharing intimacy or feeling happy while caressing each other.

Sexual arousal

If your body is stimulated, you can get aroused. Your body can go through several phases of arousal. If you are very aroused, you can have an orgasm. To get aroused, people like to, for example:

  • cuddle; 
  • caress and be caressed;
  • kiss and be kissed;
  • lick and be licked…

on various parts of the body.

The erogenous zones for many people are the:

  • vagina and clitoris (women);
  • penis and testicles (men);
  • buttocks;
  • anus;
  • inside of the thighs;
  • breasts (women)/chest (men) and nipples;
  • mouth;
  • neck;
  • hair,
  • face;
  • hands, fingers, toes, soles of the feet;
  • arms, shoulders, back;
  • earlobes;
  • navel, belly.

Your body can go through several phases of arousal: 1. sexual desire, 2. sexual arousal, 3. If you are very aroused, you can have an orgasm. 4. Calming down.

Man’s front with indication of the erogenous zones

Man’s back with indication of the erogenous zones

Woman’s front with indication of the erogenous zones

Woman’s back with indication of the erogenous zones

Different for everyone, each time

Sex can be different every time and for every couple. Talk with your partner about what you both like and how you like it (soft or hard, quick or slow, with your fingers, lips or tongue. etc.).

People can have sexual intercourse but it is not essential to having sexual pleasure. You can also just enjoy being intimate with each other: cuddling, caressing, talking, enjoying each other’s company.

If you are very aroused, you can have an orgasm. Sometimes you will not have an orgasm. This is not a problem if you and your partner are not unhappy about it.

Couple talking in bed.



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About Zanzu

Zanzu was developed by Sensoa and BZgA. Rutgers, the Dutch expertise centre for sexual health and rights, has adapted Zanzu for use in the Netherlands.